Somedays (ok, recently, most days) I would like to stop that ticking clock but there is something to be said about giving yourself a goal and trying, REALLY HARD, to reach it. So here it is, two days before Thanksgiving and our goal of moving into Regent St. is looming like a dark cloud over our heads. I'm honestly not trying to sound so ominous, it's just that there is SO much going on. Thanksgiving, a family wedding (which i cannot wait for), packing up our entire house, working a full-time job, taking care of 2 kids and Christmas all during which Chip is working his butt off at Reg. YIKES! December 16th is sooo close. Oh and did I mention that we have to get our house in Malta ready and rented for Jan 1st. Do I sound stressed? Valium anyone???!
Well, with all that being said, the progress at Reg has been nothing less than astounding and I say that without having been there in probably 2 weeks. Chip and I had the pleasure of designing our own kitchen. A first for both of us. Chip actually let me do most of the "designing" which was beyond cool after I took a deep breath and stopped being so overwhelmed by it all. I mean, where the heck do you start??? We had little choice in stores in which to purchase so off to Home Depot in Latham we went. And I'm so glad we did. We met Kristen who couldn't have been more helpful. She took her time, gave us many different options and when we finally decided on the color and cabinet look she went out of her way to make sure that we got every "deal" that was out there. I would highly recommend her. Here is a sketch of our new kitchen (Thomasville cabinets in cream with an Ameretto glaze)
I'm in love with the different heights of the upper cabinets and the little upgrades we added (garbage pull out, rolling shelves, pull out spice cabinet, toe-kick drawer for kiddie stuff, etc.)
Another reason for my infrequent posts is lack of a working computer at home. So hopefully I'll get that remedied soon and then post some new pictures. Till then......wish us luck!